Eastern Recruiting Region

A seal for the Eastern Recruiting Region which resides on Marine Corps Recruit Depot Parris Island, South Carolina.
Marine Corps Recruiting Command
Parris Island, South Carolina

Who we are

The Eastern Recruiting Region is responsible for total force recruitment of both prior service and non-prior service for both officer and enlisted accessions within the eastern United States and Puerto Rico. This includes Active Duty and Reserve Marine contracts.

The Eastern Recruiting Region is further broken down into three geographical districts: the 1st, the 4th, and the 6th.

In support of the Marine Corps' recruiting mission, Parris Island trains male recruits from the Eastern Recruiting Region and female recruits from the majority of the United States.

Parris Island makes about 19,000 new Marines each fiscal year, regardless of the Marine Corps' end strength. That equates to about 16,000 male recruits and about 3,000 female recruits.

The Recruiting Mission

The Eastern Recruiting Region shipping mission is executed by Trimester:

• 1st Trimester (Oct, Nov, Dec, Jan): ~30%
• 2nd Trimester (Feb, Mar, Apr, May): ~25%
• 3rd Trimester (Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep): ~45%

49% of the total male Recruiting mission
84% of the total female Recruiting mission


Level of Effort

• Less than 10% are "walk-ins". The rest must be located and motivated by a recruiter.
• Each Marine Recruiter is responsible for 1-2 contracts per month.
• Equates to 200-400 contacts per month.
• Prepare future Marine for recruit training through the Delayed Entry Program.


Whole Person Concept

Mental: 99% of applications are High School graduates able to pass the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Test with a 50 or higher.
Moral: No applicants accepted with any serious drug use or police involvement.
Physical: All applicants must pass a medical exam and an initial strength test consisting of:

• 1.5 mile run
• Max pull-ups
• Max crunches or plank

Area of Responsibility

For the purposes of recruiting Marines, the United States is divided into two regions. The Eastern Recruiting Region mostly covers districts east of the Mississippi River. The Western Recruiting Region predominately covers districts west of the Mississippi River.

The two regions are divided into three districts each, each comprising several states. These are subdivided into Recruiting Stations (RS) located in large metropolitan areas and muncipilaties.


A visual representation of the Eastern Recruiting Region area of responsibility.

Contact Us

If you have questions or need information about the command, please contact the Communication Strategy & Operations office at 843-228-4294 or by sending an e-mail to MCRDPIMEDIA@usmc.mil.



Eastern Recruiting Region Leaders

Marine Corps Recruit Depot Parris Island and Eastern Recruiting Region

Commanding General

Brigadier General Ahmed T. Williamson assumed the duties of his current position as the Commanding General of MCRD Parris Island and Eastern Recruiting Region on June 14, 2024....

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Official Photo

Marine Corps Recruit Depot Parris Island and Eastern Recruiting Region

Sergeant Major

Sergeant Major Sael G. Garcia assumed his current post as the Marine Corps Recruit Depot and Eastern Recruiting Region Sergeant Major on June 2, 2023....

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Official Photo

Marine Corps Recruit Depot, Parris Island