Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Program
Marine Corps Recruit Depot Parris Island and Eastern Recruiting Region (ERR)
The Sexual Assault Prevention and Response (SAPR) program will serve as the single point of contact to facilitate victim support services, promote sexual assault training and awareness, and provide policy and program assistance to commands located on Parris Island and within the ERR.
MCRD Parris Island/ ERR 24/7 Sexual Assault Support Line: 843-228-3599
DOD Safe Helpline: 877-955-5247
Sexual assault is a criminal act and will not be tolerated. The Marine Corps’ goal is to eliminate sexual assaults within the Corps and to assist those affected by sexual assault. (MCO 1752.5C)
The MCRD Parris Island and ERR Sexual Assault Prevention and Response program provides 24/7 support and advocacy to all Marines, sailors, and military dependents over 18. We work to ensure all Marines, sailors, and civilians who are victims of sexual assault are “treated with dignity, sensitivity, and without prejudice” (MCO 1752.5C).
Reporting Options:
Restricted Report
This enables someone to receive support services without triggering an official investigation. The following individuals have confidentiality and they are ready to help:
- Sexual Assault Response Coordinator (SARC)
- SAPR Victim Advocate
- Healthcare Provider
- Chaplain*
- Victims’ Legal Counsel*
*The chaplain and VLC are not able to take a report but they are able to assist in a confidential manner.
When a restricted report is made, medical care, advocacy and counseling services are available without notifying command or law enforcement officials. The SARC will notify the commanding officer of the installation that an assault occurred without providing identifying information about the victim. A Marine who elects to make a restricted report can always change to an unrestricted report. There are some exceptions to the restricted report so please contact one of the resources above to get more information.
Unrestricted Report
This allows the same support however an official investigation will be conducted by NCIS and the command will be notified as well.
The following individuals can assist in an unrestricted report
- Sexual Assault Response Coordinator (SARC)
- SAPR Victim Advocate
- Healthcare Provider
- Chaplain
- Victims’ Legal Counsel
- Chain of Command
- Law Enforcement
Details of the incident will only be shared with personnel who have a legitimate need to know. This option allows the victim to request a military protective order, civilian protective order, or an expedited transfer and enables the Marine Corps to potentially hold the offender accountable.
If you need to make a report, please call the 24/7 Support Line: 843-228-3599
CG's SAPR Policy
ID Card Section
MCRD Parris Island - Bldg 923, Room 9
Hours of Operation
Mon 7:30 am - 4:30 pm
Tue 7:30 am - 4:30 pm
Wed 7:30 am - 4:30 pm
Thurs 7:30 am - 4:30 pm
Fri 7:30 am - 4:30 pm
Please ensure that you are seated before 4:15 pm to receive service
COM: (843) 228-3396 / 4422
FAX: (843) 228-4424
Our partnership with Atlantic Marine Corps communities in the tri-command area provides housing for active-duty members and their families, active-duty bachelors (roommates and geographic bachelors), DOD civilians and military retirees assigned to Marine Corps Recruit Depot Parris Island, Beaufort Naval Hospital and Marine Corps Air Station Beaufort.
Active Duty Families Applying for Housing
When applying for housing, active-duty members should fax or email a copy of the housing package. In addition, send the detaching or web orders and dependency application (from your service record book).
If you were previously married and have been awarded custody of your child or children more than six months out of a year, you must also supply custody papers in addition to your application.
All other categories of applicants (i.e. active-duty bachelors, DOD civilians and military retirees) must call for current application information.
When your application has been received and housing is immediately available, your information will be referred to the public private venture partner, and they will contact you to establish a move-in date.
Wait times vary depending on the time of year. Short-term rentals while awaiting on-base housing are not readily available. Leases in the local area are typically for a period of six months to one year. If housing is unavailable, your name will be placed on a waiting list using your date of application as your control date. When housing is available, you will be contacted.
Resident Energy Conservation Program
The DOD established a policy to promote energy efficiency in on-base housing and for residents to take responsibility for utility usage. The Department of Navy is implementing the resident energy conservation program at all Marine Corps’ installations. This program transfers responsibility for electricity consumption to the resident. The program is designed to set a reasonable range for normal electricity consumption in housing units.
For more information please visit the MCICOM PPV Family Housing Page:
- MCICOM PPV Family Housing
- Military Housing Application
- AMCC Community Guidelines
- Pet Policy
- Mandatory PPV Housing Resident in-Brief
- Tenant Guide to Renter’s Insurance
- Window Safety
Depot Housing Office
7:30 am - 4 pm
Monday - Friday
402 Blvd de France
Parris Island, SC
COM: 843-228-2853
FAX: 843-228-3190
Email link:
Contractors seeking to do business with Marine Corps Recruit Depot Parris Island should contact the regional contracting office at 843-228-3585.
The Legal Services Support Team (LSST) houses all legal activities for Marine Corps Recruit Depot Parris Island and the Eastern Recruiting Region. It also provides military justice, defense and legal assistance functions to Marine Corps Air Station Beaufort. The different sections of the LSST provide a variety of legal services to the commands, service members and, in some cases, family members and retirees.
The officer-in-charge of LSST is responsible for the provision of direct support legal services to MCRD Parris Island/ERR, MCAS Beaufort, MCLB Albany, MCSF Blount Island, and general support to all other commands that are supported by Legal Services Support Section - East (LSSS-E) and Marine Corps Installations-East.
The main LSST office and the Legal Assistance and Tax Center is located in Bldg 400 on Karai St, next to the Depot Commissary.
The military justice and defense sections represent the interests of the government and individual defendants, respectively, in criminal matters. The defense section also offers counseling for service members concerning nonjudicial punishments, administrative separations and article 31(B) rights.
The legal assistance section provides free professional legal help to active-duty service members, retirees, their family members, victims of crimes and certain survivors of deceased members of the armed forces in areas including wills and estate planning, family law (marital separation, uncontested adoptions, uncontested child custody, uncontested name changes), consumer protection (consumer contracts, credit report issues, debt, and small claims court), immigration and naturalization, landlord/tenant law, and the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act. The legal assistance section also provides pre-deployment briefings to deploying units. Powers of attorney and notary services are also available.
The Special Assistant United States Attorney is responsible for prosecution of crimes, traffic tickets and misdemeanors committed by civilians on military installations.
The legal administration section reviews and organizes administrative separation packages and assists in the preparation of judge advocate general manual investigations.
Assistance for victims or witnesses of crimes involving service members is available from both the military justice and legal assistance sections.
During tax season, the tax center, located in the LSST building, provides free tax preparation for armed forces service members, reservists, family members, retirees and military dependent survivors. Tax questions outside the tax season should be referred to Legal Assistance.
For more information about the various sections, including contact information and hours, please refer to the section pages.
Keep in mind that different sections may have different hours and that hours and services available at the law center may change without notice.
Legal Assistance
Freedom of Information Act
Address: Bldg 517A Alaska Blvd.
COM: 843-228-3317
Hours of Operation:
Mon, Tues, Wed, and Fri: 0900-1530 (closed 1200-1300 for lunch)
Prescription Refills:
The owner of any pet unable to procure medication refills through the MCRD Parris Island Veterinary Clinic can contact the Fort Stewart Veterinary Treatment Facility at 912-435-7387 for refill options. They will determine if the pet is authorized to receive refills and the best method of providing them to the owner (Clinic vs. Online Pharmacy Requests).