Environmental Division

Env Div Logo
Marine Corps Recruit Depot Parris Island
Parris Island, South Carolina

The Environmental Division preserves current and future training capabilities through conservation of our cultural and natural resources.  Military readiness is achieved through regulatory compliance, environmental compliance, environmental protection, pollution prevention, environmental restoration, community outreach, and continual improvement.

Compliance Branch/EMS 843-228-3102

Hazardous Waste 843-228-4698

Air Quality/Asbestos 843-228-3400

Stormwater/Water Quality 843-228-4293

Training/Storage Tanks 843-228-2611

Natural Resources 843-228-3066

Conservation Law Enforcement (Game Warden) 843-228-3799

Wildlife Biologist 843-228-2663

Recycle/Solid Waste 843-228-3430

Environmental Restoration 843-228-3615

Archaeologist: 843-228-2834

Repair of 3rd Battalion Pond Causeway - Fact Sheet
Finding of no Significant Impact for the Focused Environmental Assessment Addressing Repair of the 3rd Battalion Pond Causeway - Statement

Spill Report Form – Please submit completed form to PARR_SMB_MCRDPI_ENVIRONMENTAL_COMPLIANCE@usmc.mil


Recycle Center Hours of Operation: Monday – Friday 0700 – 1600 (subject to change)

Location: Building 958 (Horse Island)

Phone Number: (843) 228-3430


Recycling Collection Schedule



144, 151, 154, 158, 192, 286, 292, 295, 566, 592, 927, 942, 1050
111, 115, 192, 202, 283, 455, 598, 699, 854, 865, 6007, 500A
203, 293, 402, 409, 430, 450, 670, 848, 852, 864, 911, 923
11, 201, 331, 400, 404, 501, 504, 700, 1054, 7003, 55A, A10



Recyclable Material Instructions
  • Lead Acid and Rechargeable Batteries generated aboard MCRD-PI are collected and recycled through the Recycle Center (ext. 3430). Residential-generated used lead acid batteries shall be turned-in to the battery vendor where the replacement battery was purchased.
  • USMC and Residential generated alkaline, nickel cadmium, nickel metal hydride, lithium ion, NiCad, and small sealed lead acid batteries weighing less than two pounds are to be dropped off at the Recycle Center (Ext. 3430).
  • Additional drop-off sites are available at the MCRD-PI website: https://www.mcrdpi.marines.mil/Resources/Environmental-Division/.
  • Spent brass from the ranges are to be collected and stored in appropriate self-dumping hoppers by the Depot Rifle Range authorized Ammo Technicians and turned into the Recycle Center (Ext. 3430) with the necessary 1348 turn-in documentation.
  • Corrugated containers (OCC), cardboard, and brown paper bags shall be segregated and placed in dedicated bulk recycling containers and trailers that are painted blue and labeled “CARDBOARD ONLY.” These containers are provided and transported by the Recycle Center (Ext. 3430). The Recycle Center currently has 31 Cardboard Collection Trailers located at various locations aboard the base (https://www.mcrdpi.marines.mil/Resources/Environmental-Division/). Additionally, there are eight stationary collection bins located within each training battalion. Only OCC, cardboard, and brown paper bags should be placed in the dedicated “CARDBOARD ONLY” collection bins. The materials shall have all contaminants removed, i.e., packing material, trash, etc. All boxes shall be broken down. Do not place recyclable cardboard material into general refuse containers.
Electronic Waste           (E-Waste)
  • USMC generated E-waste must be turned into DRMO (Ext. 7449) via Property Control (Ext. 3832), Building 500-A. All non-USMC generated E-waste shall be turned in to the Recycle Center (Ext. 3430).
Fluorescent Light Tubes
  • Fluorescent light tubes shall be transported to the Recycle Center (Ext. 3430) for storage until picked up by fluorescent bulb contractor for recycling.
  • Used mattresses are to be transported and delivered to the designated location specified by Recruit Training Regiment (S4) at Ext. 3174, Building 567 or Recycling Center (Ext. 3430) until picked up by contractor for recycling.
Mixed Paper
  • Mixed paper includes high-grade paper, mixed-grade paper, and newspaper. Mixed grade paper shall be disposed of in desk-side bins or designated containers within work areas. These containers are consolidated into larger designated containers for weekly curbside pick-up by Recycle Center personnel.
Mixed Plastics
  • Type 1 and type 2 plastics shall be rinsed, caps removed, and flattened; then placed in designated plastics bins located in work areas. These plastics are consolidated in larger containers for weekly curbside pick-up by an outside contractor.
  • Most plastic soft drink bottles are made of Type 1, polyethylene terephthalate (PET, PETE) plastic and are the most commonly recycled plastic. Milk jugs and detergent bottles are made of Type 2, HDPE (high-density polyethylene) plastic. Types 1 and 2 plastics are easily identified by a recycling logo with a number 1 or 2 in the center, usually on the bottom of the container as shown below.
Paint Cans
  • Metal paint cans must be clean and dried (less than 1” [dried] residue in bottom of container). The clean and dried cans can then be placed in designated containers, labeled ‘Scrap Metal’.
Printer/Toner Cartridges
  • Used printer/toner cartridges from work areas shall be transported to the cartridge collection area at the Recycle Center (Ext. 3430) for recycling.
Scrap Metal
  • Scrap metal shall be placed and collected in site specific designated Roll-off containers, labeled ‘Scrap Metal’.
    · Authorized MCRD-PI personnel may turn in scrap metal to Property Control (Ext. 3832), located at Building 500-A or transport material to the Recycle Center (Ext. 3430). · Unauthorized discarding or dumping of scrap metal aboard MCRD-PI is prohibited.
Steel and Aluminum Cans
  • Aluminum cans shall be disposed of in desk-side bins or designated containers within work areas. These containers are consolidated into larger designated containers for weekly curbside pick-up by Recycle Center personnel. · Steel cans typically generated by MCRD-PI Chow Hall and Dining Facilities must be cleaned, rinsed, and free of any debris; then properly bagged for weekly pickup by Recycle Center personnel.
  • Residential textiles and personal effects are to be transported to the Recycle Center (Ext. 3430) for recycling or donation.
  • Unserviceable military apparel shall be turned into Property Control, (Ext. 3832), Building 500-A.
  • Off-base donation centers include The Salvation Army, CAPA, local churches, and Habitat for Humanity.
Used CDs
  • Personal CDs and CDs from work areas shall be transported to the Recycle Center (Ext. 3430) for recycling.
  • To prevent possible data extraction prior to recycling, CDs should be physically scored or etched to render CD useless.
Used Oil/Filters
  • Used oil generated from auto or small engines service shall be transported to the Recycle Center (Ext. 3430), Motor Transport or Marine Corp Community Services (MCCS) Fleet Maintenance in approved containers for recycling.
  • Used oil filters generated from auto or small engine service shall be drained, crushed and properly containerized prior to transporting to the Recycle Center, Motor Transport or MCCS Fleet Maintenance for recycling.
  • Used oil and filters are also accepted at the Beaufort County Recycling Center off-base.
Used Tires
  • Used tires shall be transported to the Recycle Center (Ext. 3430), Motor Transport or MCCS Fleet Maintenance for recycling.
White Goods (Appliances)
  • Military personnel shall consult Property Control (Ext. 3832), at Building 500-A for categorization; then transported or request pick-up by Property Control (Ext. 3832) or Recycle Center (Ext. 3430).
  • Residents or authorized patrons shall consult the Recycle Center (Ext. 3430) for direction on drop-off of items.
Wood (yard
debris, non-
yard debris
and pallets)
  • Wood associated with yard debris: Contact MCRD-PI Roads and Grounds Department (Ext. 3663/3395) or the Recycle Center (Ext. 3430) to arrange escort to the Secure Staging Area for disposal/recycling.
  • Wood associated with non-yard debris shall be transported and placed in bulk wood refuse containers located at specified locations: https://www.mcrdpi.marines.mil/Resources/Environmental-Division/.
  • Reusable pallets shall be transported to the Recycle Center (Ext. 3430) and stacked neatly in the designated location.
  • Any questions regarding any recyclable materials, procedures, or waste handling shall be directed to MCRD-PI Recycle Center Solid Waste/QRP Manager at Ext. 3430.
  • Any concerns regarding waste containers, trash pickup, or waste container overflow shall be directed to MCRD-PI Roads and Grounds at Ext. 3663/3395.


Historical Building 163, the Water Transportation Operation building
Marine Corps Recruit Depot, Parris Island
Oct. 18, 2022 | 4:44
Historical Building 163, the Water Transportation Operation building
Marine Corps Recruit Depot, Parris Island
Oct. 18, 2022 | 4:44
Player Embed Code:
Historical Building 163, the Water Transportation Operation building
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NewsletterDownload Link
February 2025Feb 2025 MCRD PI Newsletter_Eagles.pdf
December 202411- Dec Env Newsletter_Yellow Legged Hornet.pdf
November 2024Nov-Radon Collection Newsletter.pdf
October 2024Oct - 3rd BN Pond Fishing and Perscribed Burn.pdf
September 2024SEP Env Newsletter_Hurricane Season.pdf
August 20248-Aug2024 Env Newsletter_EDB Mating Season.pdf
July 2024Jul 2024 Env Newsletter_Stormwater.pdf
June 2024June2024 Fishing Newsletter.pdf
May 2024May2024 Env Newsletter_Moving Season.pdf
April 2024Apr 2024 Earth Day Newsletter.pdf
March 2024Mar2024_Env Newsletter_Osprey Nesting Season FINAL.pdf
February 2024Feb 2024_Env Newsletter_Prescribed Fire.pdf
January 2024Jan 2024_Env Newsletter_Aerosol Cans FINAL.pdf
December 2023Dec 2023_Env Newsletter_Radon Awareness FINAL.pdf
November 2023Nov 2023_Env Newsletter_Southern Fox Squirrel.pdf
October 2023Oct 2023_Env Newsletter_Coyotes.pdf
September 2023Sep2023 Env Newsletter_Hurricane Season.pdf
August 2023Aug2023 Env Newsletter_EDB Mating Season.pdf
July 2023Jul 2023_Env Newsletter_Radon Awareness.pdf
June 2023June2023 Env Newsletter_Stormwater.pdf
May 2023May2023 Env Newsletter_Moving Season_FINAL.pdf
April 2023 Apr2023 Env Newsletter_Earth Day_FINAL.pdf
March 2023Mar2023 Env Newsletter_Eastern Diamondback_FINAL.pdf
February 2023Feb2023_Env Newsletter_Osprey Nesting Season_FINAL.pdf
January 2023Jan2023_Env Newsletter_Prescribed Fire_FINAL.pdf
December 2022Dec2022_Env Newsletter_Spills.pdf
November 2022Nov2022 Env Newsletter_Recycle v2.pdf
October 2022Oct2022_Env Newsletter.pdf
September 2022Sep2022 Env Newsletter_Hurricane Season V2.pdf
August 2022Aug2022_Env Newsletter_EDB_Final.pdf
July 2022Jul2022 Env Newsletter_Moving Season V2.pdf
June 2022Jun2022_Env Newsletter_Aerosol Cans FINAL.pdf
September 2021Sep2021 Env Newsletter EDB Mating.pdf
August 2021Aug2021 Env Newsletter_Hurricane Season.pdf
June 2021Jun2021 Env Newsletter_Moving Season.pdf
May 2021May2021 Env Newsletter Spill Prevention.pdf
April 2021Apr2021 Earth Day Species Spotlight.pdf
Marine Corps Recruit Depot, Parris Island