Director, Drill Instructor School
Maj. Chad J. Menacher

Major Menacher was born in Fairfax, Virginia and raised in Menominee, Michigan.  In May 2009, he earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Criminal Justice from Northern Michigan University and was subsequently hired by the Menominee County Sheriff’s Department, located in his hometown, where he served as a Corrections Officer.  In December 2009, he commissioned as a Second Lieutenant and immediately reported to The Basic School (TBS) where he was assigned the military occupational specialty 5803, Military Police Officer.  Following TBS, Second Lieutenant Menacher reported to Military Police Company (MP Co), Headquarters Battalion (HQ Bn), 2d Marine Division (MarDiv), where he served as a platoon commander until September 2010.  He then reported to Military Police Basic Officer Leader Course (MP BOLC) at Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri.

After completing MP BOLC, Second Lieutenant Menacher returned to MP Co, HQ Bn, 2d MarDiv, and began pre-deployment training.  In March 2011, Second Lieutenant Menacher reported to 1st Battalion, 9th Marine Regiment to serve as the Police Advisor Team Officer in Charge (OIC).  Following completion of Enhanced Mojave Viper, Second Lieutenant Menacher successfully lead his advisor team during a seven-month combat tour in Nawa District, Helmand Province, Afghanistan.  During this deployment, he was promoted to First Lieutenant.

Upon return from deployment, First Lieutenant Menacher was transferred to MP Support Company, Headquarters Group, II Marine Expeditionary Force (II MEF) and assigned as the Assistant Operations Officer.  In June 2012, he was charged with facilitating the deactivation of Military Police Support Company and activating 2d Law Enforcement Battalion.  In March 2013, he deployed with 2d Law Enforcement Battalion to Helmand Province, Afghanistan for his second combat tour and remained the Assistant Operations Officer until October 2013.  Upon return from deployment, First Lieutenant Menacher was promoted to Captain and was assigned as the II MEF Counter-Drug Detachment OIC where he developed the enduring II MEF Counter-Drug Campaign Plan.

In March 2014, Captain Menacher reported to 2d Recruit Training Battalion, Marine Corps Recruit Depot, San Diego.  Upon successful completion of three recruit training cycles as a Series Commander with Company E, he was hand selected to serve as an individual augment with Headquarters, U.S. Central Command in Tampa, Florida.  He served six months as the Chief, Quick Reaction Branch, Science and Technology Division, Analysis and Requirements Directorate.  Upon return from this assignment, he was hand selected to transfer to 3d Recruit Training Battalion and assume command of Company M.  He completed four training cycles as the Company Commander.  In January 2017, he relinquished command and assumed the position as the 3d Recruit Training Battalion Operations Officer.

In June 2017, Captain Menacher reported to Headquarters, 1st Marine Logistics Group where he served as the G-3 Current Operations Officer, Group Anti-Terrorism Officer, and Law Enforcement Integration Officer.  He was also charged with running the Group’s garrison and tactical combat operations centers during several Group and MEF-level combined and joint training exercises.  Following his promotion to Major in 2019, he reported to Headquarters Battalion, Marine Forces Reserve where he served as the Provost Marshal for Marine Corps Support Facility New Orleans and acting Executive Officer, HQ Bn, Marine Forces Reserve until July 2022.

In July 2022, Major Menacher reported to Marine Corps Recruit Depot, Parris Island and was assigned as the Executive Officer, 3d Recruit Training Battalion.  He served in this capacity for two years and in July 2024, he assumed his current position as the Director of Drill Instructor School - East.

Major Menacher’s personal decorations include the Meritorious Service Medal (gold star in lieu of second award), the Navy and Marine Corps Commendation Medal (gold star in lieu of second award), the Joint Service Achievement Medal, and the Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medal.

Marine Corps Recruit Depot, Parris Island